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Create DateNovember 1, 2013
Last UpdatedMarch 9, 2022

The Catholic Schools office of the Diocese of Phoenix expresses gratitude to the Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Committee for its work in analyzing, revising, and updating the Mathematics Standards for the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Phoenix. Mathematics is recognized as a great example of God’s gift of the human mind and its capacity in understanding creation for the betterment of all mankind.

8th grade pdf standards.pdfDownload 
Eighth grade math standards updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Seventh Grade math standards updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Sixth Grade Math Standards Updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Fifth Grade Math Standards Updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Fourth Grade Math Standards Updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Third Grade Math Standards Updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Second Grade Math Standards Updated 2022.pdfDownload 
First Grade Math Standards Updated 2022.pdfDownload 
Kindergarten math standards Updated 2022-PDF.pdfDownload 
Math K 8 2013Download